Greenfield Soapbox Race Waiver
I plan to build and drive a Soapbox Cart to be entered in the Greenfield Soapbox Races being held in Greenfield, Massachusetts, on Saturday, May 7th, 2022, and hereby certify that I will build my Soapbox Cart in full compliance and spirit with the Greenfield Soapbox Race Rules.
I (parent/guardian) hereby grant permission for my son/daughter/ward to enter the Greenfield Soapbox Races (sign only if the Racer is under the age of 18), and assume all responsibility outlined for racers below, in lieu of my son/daughter/ward.
Further, I understand and agree that as a prerequisite to competing in the Greenfield Soapbox Races that I, together with my Race Vehicle, shall undergo and pass an inspection conducted in the Staging Area, by Officials of the Greenfield Soapbox Races.
I further understand and agree that such inspection shall be conducted using the manner and methods deemed appropriate by the Race Officials at their sole discretion, to determine compliance with the rules, spirit and specifications applicable to the Races and that the decisions of the officials regarding qualification and disqualification and compliance with the rules, spirit and specification applicable to the Races shall be final and binding upon me and all other parties.
Finally, in consideration of the benefits received as a result of the participation herein, and for the mutual benefits received by myself and the other participants herein, I hereby assume all risks associated with this activity and specifically waive and release any and all claims, rights, causes of action, demands or otherwise, whether for personal injuries, property damages, or any other loss, damages or expenses which I may have against the Greenfield Soapbox Races, City of Greenfield, and any and all sponsors, agents, volunteers, board members, employees full or part time, interns, or associates of any status whatsoever arising from or in any manner related to my participation in the Greenfield Soapbox Races and/or any activities incidental or related thereto. I willingly enter into this Soapbox Race with this spirit in mind.