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2022 Greenfield Soapbox RACER Application

soapbox cart and onlookers



The 2022 Greenfield Soapbox Races is a fundraiser for the Greenfield Recreation Department's FIREWORKS FUND. We are trying to raise $5000 for that annual event.

Soapbox Race Day is Saturday, May 7th, 2022, with no rain date. First race is at noon, and racers should arrive starting at 8:30 to check in. Fill out this application and pay the fee on the next page (via PayPal) or send in a check or money order for the entry fee and signed waiver to Greenfield Soapbox Races, c/o Greenfield Recreation, 20 Sanderson Street, Greenfield, MA 01301. Applications must arrive no later than noon on Wednesday, May 4th. Only the first 60 applications will be accepted.


Entrants must be 8 years or older on Derby Day. Entrants under 18 must be accompanied by a responsible adult. Applications without a signed waiver will not be accepted. No exceptions. You may also download and print the paper form, if you prefer. Racers can also find the RACER RULES on the home page of the website, which are required reading for the race.

Lastly, because parking will be tight, we ask if you can minimize the footprint of your delivery vehicle. In the form below, let us know how you will be bringing your cart to the site.

Racer Information

Receive a confirmation via email, and accept racer updates
Will count as signature.

(8000 character limit. Characters so far: 0 Word Count: 0)

Team Information

First come, first served. In cases of duplicate numbers, variants will be assigned.
Bay of pickup? Pickup and trailer? Roof racks?

(8000 character limit. Characters so far: 0 Word Count: 0)

Payment Info

On the next page you will be presented with a PayPal button. You may use PayPal to pay for your racer fee using any major credit card, or you may print the next page and mail it in with a check.

Racer Fees

Greenfield Soapbox Race Waiver

I plan to build and drive a Soapbox Cart to be entered in the Greenfield Soapbox Races being held in Greenfield, Massachusetts, on Saturday, May 7th, 2022, and hereby certify that I will build my Soapbox Cart in full compliance and spirit with the Greenfield Soapbox Race Rules.

I (parent/guardian) hereby grant permission for my son/daughter/ward to enter the Greenfield Soapbox Races (sign only if the Racer is under the age of 18), and assume all responsibility outlined for racers below, in lieu of my son/daughter/ward.

Further, I understand and agree that as a prerequisite to competing in the Greenfield Soapbox Races that I, together with my Race Vehicle, shall undergo and pass an inspection conducted in the Staging Area, by Officials of the Greenfield Soapbox Races.

I further understand and agree that such inspection shall be conducted using the manner and methods deemed appropriate by the Race Officials at their sole discretion, to determine compliance with the rules, spirit and specifications applicable to the Races and that the decisions of the officials regarding qualification and disqualification and compliance with the rules, spirit and specification applicable to the Races shall be final and binding upon me and all other parties.

Finally, in consideration of the benefits received as a result of the participation herein, and for the mutual benefits received by myself and the other participants herein, I hereby assume all risks associated with this activity and specifically waive and release any and all claims, rights, causes of action, demands or otherwise, whether for personal injuries, property damages, or any other loss, damages or expenses which I may have against the Greenfield Soapbox Races, City of Greenfield, and any and all sponsors, agents, volunteers, board members, employees full or part time, interns, or associates of any status whatsoever arising from or in any manner related to my participation in the Greenfield Soapbox Races and/or any activities incidental or related thereto. I willingly enter into this Soapbox Race with this spirit in mind.

Your Agreements:

Check all boxes that apply

You will be asked to submit any payments on the next page.